Black Lives Matter (in Canada too!)

Originally posted June 3, 2020

With the emergence of COVID-19, our world has shifted in ways that are unprecedented. At Teesri Duniya Theatre, our everyday lives have been extremely altered as we continue to support bold, thought-provoking plays.

Yet, systemic racism,  police brutality, hate crimes against Indigenous, Black and people of colour persist in this so-called “Great Nation.“ 

Yet, in Montreal, Black (and Arab and Indigenous folks) are more likely to be stopped by the police.

Yet, the police continues to deny access and inflict violence on Black lives, in Montreal, in Quebec, in Canada, and around the world. 

The events that have unfolded over the past several days have been difficult for many of us to process. With the death of George Floyd in Minnesota, followed the suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of Regis Korchinksi-Paquet in Toronto. Yes, this may all be overwhelming to us learning about this for the first time, but for Black Canadians, this is nothing new. 

After engaging in a peaceful demonstration with over 15 000 people last Sunday, the SPVM police declared the demonstration “illegal.” With a small group of outsiders infiltrating the protest and looting nearby stores, demonstrators shouting “no violence, no violence” were met with tear-gas thrown at them by the police.

How can we accept our political leadership denouncing racism and supporting these demonstrations, when these are the same institutions reinforcing systemic discrimination?

Again, this is a lot to process and overwhelming for many. Whether you reside in the margins or come from a place of privilege, now is the time to use our power to demand change.

Remember the message: What must be addressed in our very community is the killing of innocent Black, Indigenous and other minorities at the hands of the police.

We’d like to end this statement with resources, courtesy of Meenadchi, Mireille Harper, Amélie Lamont.

This is only a starting point, as you the reader, must continue to do this work on your own!

2020 SPVM Budget - Call For Action / Appel à l'action- DEFUND NOW / DÉSINVESTIR MAITENENT

Anti-Racism Resources
Guide to Allyship
Anatomy of an Ally
10 Steps to Non-Optical Allyship

In Solidarity,

Teesri Duniya Theatre


For the sake of the live performing arts!


Teesri Duniya Theatre says Thank you! - Recognition event on March 10, 2020 at Segal Centre for the Performing Arts